Oracle MFT Tables Useful For Gathering Daily Transactions
- Oracle MFT RCU utility creates multiple schemas for storing transfer configurations and runtime transaction data
- Below are some important schemas
- <Prefix>_MFT
- <Prefix>_MDS
- <Prefix>_ESS
- <Prefix>_OPSS
- <Prefix>_UMS
- Prefix can be like Dev, UAT or PROD. If we use MFT cloud service then prefix would be like SP<number>, number is randomly picked by oracle cloud orchestration logic which provisions MFT cloud service instance
- To gather daily statistics of transfers then we need to explore more on <Prefix>_MFT schema
- Below tables are useful under MFT schema
Table Name
Contains data related to the
actions or callouts performed during the transfers like Delete, Run Script
PGP Encryption and so on
Contains data related to the errors
that occurs during mft transfers
Contains data related to source
details of the file transfer like source name, source endpoint and file name
and so on
Contains data related to target
details of the file transfer like transfer name, target name and status and
so on
Contains data related to target
details of the file transfer like target name, target endpoint and modified
file name and so on
Contains data related to transfer
name,status, creation and completed time and so on
Contains data when the source event
is invoked for on demand file transfers and specifies the status of the event
Contains information of payload
file reference path, payload size and so on
- Query for source level details
- select source_name,source_endpoint_ref,file_name,status from mft_source_message
- Query for target level details
- select target_name,endpoint_reference,file_name,status from mft_target_message
- Composite query to fetch both source and target details of file transfers
- select distinct(MSG.FILE_NAME) Source_File_name,MTG.DELIVERED_FILE_NAME Target_File_name,MSG.source_name Source_name,MTG.target_name Target_name,MSG.source_endpoint_ref Source_Endpoint,MTG.endpoint_reference Target_Endpoint,TO_CHAR(MTG.transfer_completed_time, 'DD-MON-YY') Transfer_Completed_Time,MDS.PAYLOAD_SIZE,MTG.STATUS from MFT_SOURCE_MESSAGE MSG, MFT_TARGET_MESSAGE MTG,MFT_DATA_STORAGE MDS where trunc(MTG.transfer_start_time) = trunc(sysdate)and MTG.ecid = MSG.ecid and MSG.DATA_STORAGE_ID = MDS.ID order by transfer_completed_time desc
- There are many other tables and views in *_MFT schema. Need to explore on these tables as per requirement
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